Saturday, July 30, 2016

Back to basics

Coming back from a little bit of a break from this blog, I feel really good to get back into keeping up with/ and track of some of my new computer science projects.

This past year, I've finished my first year of my masters program in computer science at Uppsala University in Sweden. It's been a great year and I've taken some amazing courses from some top notch professors and PhD students. The classes I've enjoyed the most this year are: Computer Assisted Image Analysis I, Secure Computer Systems (an awesome hacking course), Advanced Computer Architecture and Computer Graphics. Another valuable lesson I've learned this year has been what subjects in computer science I don't especially care for. I had a very difficult time in my functional programming course where we learned SML and I also had a rough time in Data Mining I and Data Mining II.

This past year I haven't done a lot of personal projects because I've been in the leadership for my student orchestra, but this Summer and for this upcoming year I'm going to focus more and building up my CS toolbox. I'm looking forward to getting some practical experience making things on my own and without an instruction guide or course assignment.