Friday, October 26, 2012

Encrypted Texting

So I spent all yesterday working on a java project that does RSA encryption for messages and today I followed a tutorial for how to make an android texting app. Now I'm trying to see if I can combine them so that a user can send another user their public key and they can send encrypted msgs back and fourth.

Loving it here in Germnay

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Done with Classes

I just finished my Networking final. So much studying. Did alright except for one question on Cyclic Redundancy Checks I think I missed. As far as the stack goes though, with frames going across the wire, being taken in by the NAT at the Link layer, getting repackaged into a different frame to the next MAC address and routed to the Dest IP address where the datagram is shed at the transport layer and the message is pushed (through a socket) up to the application layer. I think I did pretty darn good. :D

Friday, October 19, 2012

First Exam Down

I just finished my first exam in in Sweden, Algorithms and Data Structures. It was about a two hour test, lots of heaps and BSTs and Ordos and graphs and stuff. I know I didn't get a hundred but I'm sure I did well.

One question: "Whats the max levels for a BST?" You would think log(n) but in the worst case it's n, but if it's n then it's not a BST (in theory). lol