Sunday, July 31, 2016

Athletic Web App

So after several months of sitting on top of a database that I have been saying that I should build a web application for--I finally did!

My uncle who is really into track and field, is paying for an expensive web app service that manages 3 pages and a 17MB database. So I've been saying that I should develop a simple web app and host it on digital ocean for 5 bucks a month.

So over the last couple weeks I've spun up my first droplet, installed all of the necessary software (with the help of my good friend and classmate Dekker), and developed a really simple, but astoundingly bootstrap beautiful, web application: Ă…land Athletics.

It was my first time working with AJAX calls to make a dynamic dropdown, it's built on a LEMP stack, and I used git on bitbucket to keep track of version control.

There are some things that are still a little buggy, and one thing that I would like to do is to move it over to a model, view controller framework, because right now it's just accessing the DB from php files that then echoing <html> tags. #thatGhettoDevThough And the DB isn't even in first normal form so that needs a total renovation, but I'm definitely proud of what I've made and it's super nice to get back into web development and actually make something myself.