Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Bachelors thesis in progress

I got to meet with my client for my bachelors thesis project (or capstone project) today. I'm working with my university's Center for Student Success to develop a time management Android application.

The concept for the app is that students build a micro schedule (timeline) for themselves before they start working. The timeline could only be about an hour long, but during that time the student says, "I'm going to work on this assignment for 25 minutes, this assignment for 15 minutes and this assignment 20 minutes." The app lets them build the timeline and then prompts them to move on to the next take when their time runs out.

There are a lot of design things I'm really excited to implement with this project and I'm really hopefully that this style of working will work well for different types of students. The bulk of the capstone will be getting students to sign up to test the app through finals to see if it is useful for them.

I'm really excited to be in development and to start getting sign ups for testing.