After one of my professors mentioned a book in a lecture, "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman, I decided to download the sample from Google play and check it out. Just from the first thirty pages... Wow. It's definitely a little nerve racking. The whole book is about globalization and the first part talks about the Indian city of Bangalore, which is equated to India's Silicon Valley, as a utopia in the middle of the desert. Friedman talk about the outsourcing of labor and that it really turns the world in to a flat market where anyone can compete with anyone... from anywhere.
What this means for me as a computer science student is that I'm not just going to be competing with my graduating class in the US for a job, but every graduate across the world for a job. So I ask myself, how will I compete. Right now, my answer is that I have smooth enough soft skills to work with people. I believe that my selling points and hiring points are that I can work with people one-on-one and that is how I plan on competing in a globalized industry... at least for now.